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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 06/02/04
JUNE 2, 2004

Selectboard Present:    Steven Neill, Brenda Ferland, Jon LeClair

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        David Duquette, Water and Wastewater Superintendent
                        Robert Davis, Transfer Station Superintendent

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Steve Neill called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. He welcomed everyone and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Jon LeClair moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of May 19, 2004, as printed.  Seconded by Brenda Ferland.  All in favor, so voted.

Jon LeClair moved to approve the Minutes of the non-public Selectboard meeting of May 19, 2004, as printed.  Seconded by Brenda Ferland.  All in favor, so voted.

Water and Wastewater Departments:  Dave Duquette reported that the Water and Sewer Department employees did real well during his absence.  They did a lot of brush cutting, cleaning the well sites, repairing fences, prepared for new propane tanks and did other odds-and-ends.  Dig Safe was called in to inspect the areas for the three new fire hydrants and they purchased 20 meter pits in that will go to the buildings with slabs in Hidden Acres that have no meters and are paying a flat water rate.  Others will be done on the Old Claremont Road and Sullivan Street; he has a list of the non-working meters, etc.  Moriarty will start meter installations on July 1st.  

Mr. Duquette wanted to discuss the West Side Sewer, Contract and the booster pump stations.  They had a meeting with Terry Lorber about a month ago at which time Dave Duquette asked him for documentation on the booster pump stations and to look through and pull the invoices on the West Side Sewer Project.  To-date all he has received from Mr. Lorber is a statement of the two invoices, no other communication.  Tim Grant took Mike Duffy’s place but is only doing Contract No. 4.  Provan and Lorber was supposed to get final approval from Rural Development for the West Side Sewer Project but the Town hasn’t received that; we have his invoice that is over the agreed price.  Mr. Duquette recommended writing a letter to Provan and Lorber to ask them for any documents that the Town paid for including their electronic files because the Town has the right to use them and then do away with Provan and Lorber on the West Side Sewer and booster pump stations projects.  Jon LeClair asked if the Selectboard has any grounds to have our attorney get involved; we still have an incomplete project.  Dave Edkins feels it will be hard to drop them on Contract No. 4.  Dave Duquette noted that the people on West Side were told that the project would be done in 2005 and zero has happened.  We need a drawing of the total Concept Plan that was to go to Rural Development for approval and funding determination.  There have been two months of stalling and now the Town has drainage problems there, etc.  The Town paid Provan and Lorber for the pump station plans.  Rural Development approved this but they are not at a stage where they can go out for bid as Provan and Lorber is holding that up; they do not want to give the Town the electronic documentation. The Town has the right to have a full set of documents.  Dave Duquette would like to do at least two of the pump stations this year and there is money in the budget.  Dave Edkins will write a formal letter asking for a response within five working days; the Selectboard will sign it and a copy will be sent to the Town attorney.  Relative to the West Side Sewer contract, Dave Duquette would like the plan that the Town approved to be submitted to Rural Development for their approval, come back to us with budget prices and a cost analysis.

Dave Duquette gave the Selectboard a proposal for the Pump Stations from Horizons Engineering.  This gets that project through Rural Development and built.  These are prefab buildings; all four stations will be built fairly quickly.  There is not much engineering involved, it might be done in about three weeks and the Town can do much of the work in-house.  Mike Duffy will stop in occasionally.  Dave Duquette said the problem with waiting is that we won’t get them constructed this year; it is the bid process that takes time.  Steve Neill noted that the Selectboard does not know if the grant money is available but otherwise they will do two this year (one in North Charlestown near the Adams property and one on Town property on Michael Avenue).  The Selectboard gave Dave Duquette their approval to have him contact a couple of local contractors, get quotes and give the Selectboard the prices.

Dave Duquette said they have been doing testing on the pump station on the Old Claremont Road but there is a problem with the pump heating up.  He brought it to Provan and Lorber’s attention; it is an engineering flaw in how the pump station was designed and the elevation.  It has to be fixed, it is their Warranty on the pump and they have not responded.  This will be another letter to Provan and Lorber.

Steve Neill asked if there is a problem with the Steven Street pump station?  Dave Duquette explained that there was an accident there, it was repaired but the relay has burned out three times.  It is an old system.  The development has not been shut-off from water but he will talk to Mr. Thibodeau to see if the pressure is spiking.                                                           

Solid Waste Department:  Bob Davis reported that the mowing was done, slopes and all.  Everything is in for the water and sewer connections.  The contract was signed for the new building and that should be started soon.  Northeast Scale may put in an alternate digital read-out that will be done by hand during the construction until they get it hooked back up to the computer when the building is finished.  Dave Duquette would like to use the excavator to put in the water and sewer lines; it will probably take about two days as he wants it to be deep.  The Selectboard approved this request.  Bob Davis will operate the excavator rather than pulling someone out of the Highway Department.   

Highway Department:  Keith Weed advised that the line striping was finished last Thursday.  The first 25 miles of street sweeping was completed.  The Paris Avenue sidewalk is paved in; the blacktop is down.  He has been moving ahead to get prices on the cracked sealing.  After the last meeting he called S & M Recycling regarding the gravel crushing to advise that this is on-hold due to their price.  He is checking with other vendors.  

On the South Hemlock Road project they are doing ditching with the excavator.  Some of the ditching will require culverts first and a purchase order is in for some culvert pipes.  Keith Weed received a quote on the injection paving process that includes reclaiming, grading, compaction and paving.  They are getting $1.42/gallon for the liquid asphalt.  He believes that the Town is entitled to the State contract price and has put in a call to them.  An estimated price for that project is $134,000; it will be a saving of $12,000 by going this course.            

The loader needs some work and Nortrax came to look at it.  To get all the repairs done would cost approximately $12,000 but to do the front end, center pins, pistons and bushings will cost $5,750 to $6,225.  Keith Weed said there isn’t enough money in the budget to do the whole job but is requesting to have the front end work done.  We also plow snow with the loader.  Nortrax might let the Highway Department have a loaner while the loader is being worked on.  The Selectboard agreed that the work should be done soon; Keith Weed will schedule it.

Hill-Martin looked at the grader; it has about 10,000 hours on it.  The motor should be good for 20,000 hours.  The grader itself is in real good shape for its years but some work needs to be done on the front end.  The Town could spend $10,000 on it.  Cliff Stark worked on it and the engine noise is a lot better.    

Keith Weed discussed a need for temporary part-time help; a couple of people would be nice especially if they have a CDL license.  One employee is out indefinitely, one is on medical leave and another one is on vacation.  Jon LeClair agreed that we need some extra help.  Tom Minickiello asked why a full time person couldn’t be hired; we have to solve the problem.  Steve Neill responded that we are not in a position to hire another full time person at this time due to budget constraints.  The Selectboard agreed to have Keith Weed see Dave Edkins to place an ad in the newspaper.           

On Main Street there are four or five maple trees that are starting to die.  Keith Weed asked if the Selectboard would like to take them down now.  Dave Duquette said some of the trees are too close together and that is why they are dying.  Steve Neill recommended that the trees be flagged and it will be discussed further at the next meeting.

Dave Edkins noted that there will be some right-of-way and easement issues on the Sullivan Street sidewalk; are we going to try to get it done this year?  Keith Weed did not stake it out yet but will do it so everybody has an idea of what it will look like.  Dave Edkins said the Town never got the paver project done in front of Dan’s Max Saver.  There have been some insurance claims from people tripping in that area.  There was discussion relative to doing the paver project rather than the Sullivan Street sidewalk this year.  Steve Neill suggested that Dave Edkins find out if Dan will still share the cost of the paver project.

There was no public comment.

There were no Selectboard comments.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION - Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, etc.:  The Payroll and Accounts Payable vouchers were signed.

Purchase Orders:  The following purchase orders were approved and signed:  1) Carroll Concrete -260 feet of pipe for the South Hemlock project $1,042.60; 2) Water and Wastewater Departments -Ti-Sales- valves $314.16; 3) Ti-Sales -valves and calibration $442.06; 4) Fire Department -Bergeron Protective Clothing $887.95; 5) Fire Department -Bergeron Protective Clothing $1,279.52; 6) Highway -PSS out of Goshen- striping $3,000; and 7) Transfer Station - USA Blue Book $400.80.  

Warrants:  The Selectboard approved two Supplemental Warrants for the Collection of Water and Sewer in the amounts of $379.56 and $753.75.

The Selectboard approved a Certification of Yield Taxes to the Department of Revenue Administration in the amount of $3,954.16.  

Elderly Exemptions:  Two Elderly Exemptions were approved and signed by the Selectboard.

Notice of Intent to Cut Wood:  The Selectboard approved a Notice of Intent to Cut Wood on the Chestnut Flat Road for Mr. Lambert.   

License to Permit Serving Alcoholic Beverages:  The Selectboard approved a License to Permit the Serving of Alcoholic beverages in Patch Park on Sunday, June 13th from Noon to 6:00 PM for a birthday party.       

Sam Putnam Road:  A letter was received from Ann Tarmey on the Sam Putnam Road requesting that the Town put up some signs warning of a deaf child.  The Selectboard approved this request and the letter was given to Keith Weed.

Thank You:  A note was received from Andy Jellie thanking the Selectboard for their vote of confidence when appointing him to serve as a regular member on the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

Fall Mountain Food Shelf:  A memo was received from Pat Royce regarding the Fall Mountain Food Shelf.  Pat called Mary Lou Huffling in Alstead, who was unavailable, regarding the complaint about a lack of response for the food shelf.  Brenda Ferland noted that the Selectboard has no jurisdiction over this concern or how the food shelf responds to local calls.  Dave Edkins will convey the Selectboard’s thoughts to Pat Royce regarding trying to find additional or different staffing to assist Mary Lou Huffling.

Sullivan Nutrition Center:  A note was received from Pat Royce regarding the Sullivan Nutrition Center’s need for a new compressor.  Because of the tight quarters in the kitchen they requested that the refrigerator be moved into the main room where the piano is and contact the Grange about taking the piano to the Transfer Station. The Selectboard approved the request.          

Conservation Commission - Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair said that the Conservation Commission has not met since the last Selectboard meeting.

CEDA - Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that CEDA has not yet met this month.

Planning Board - Steve Neill:  Steve Neill advised that the Planning Board met last night.  They gave final approval to an in-home day care at 1440 Acworth Road for Bonnie Rumrill; and accepted as complete and gave final approval to a two-lot subdivision on the Sam Putnam Road for Stanley and Sharon Kinney.  The Board heard a preliminary presentation about a 17-lot subdivision off Route 12A in North Charlestown on the Great Country Road.  

Solid Waste Committee - Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair said that the Solid Waste Committee has not met but expect to schedule a meeting soon.

Heritage Commission - Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that the Heritage Commission met but only Joyce Higgins and Brenda Ferland attended.  It was suggested that the Selectboard go back and look at the appointments and consider alternates, as two people cannot handle the workload.  They talked about the watering troughs and Joyce Higgins was able to provide some history.  Some of them may have been removed and destroyed but they will try to locate the existing ones.  Brenda Ferland noted that the RSAs state that this Committee has the authority to set up a fund for donations so they have to inquire about setting up a fund.  Cliff Stark asked if the Committee could look into finding a place for the canon.  Jon LeClair suggested that it be donated to the Gettysburg National Historic Park.  With the approval of the Selectboard he agreed to pursue this suggestion to see if they would accept the canon.  The next meeting is scheduled for June 16th at 6:00 PM and Dave Edkins will do the posting.       

Fling Road Bridge:  Dave Edkins advised that the Selectboard have a Petition from himself, Keith Weed and Dave Duquette requesting that the Selectboard alter the layout of the right-of-way by Fling Road for the bridge.  This is the first step in the eminent domain process and the Selectmen have to hold a Public Hearing with a 30-day notice. The Selectboard approved scheduling the Public Hearing for the July 7th meeting.  Steve Neill suggested looking at alternatives and find out if the Town would have to reimburse the State for monies already spent if they pulled out of this project.  Keith Weed will look at the plans.  

Police Department:  Brenda Ferland noted that Officer Webb would be leaving the Police Department soon, after ten years of service.  Dave Edkins will write a letter of appreciation to be signed by the Selectboard.

Martin Hanson:  Dave Edkins advised that Martin Hanson has been in contact with Bill MacDonald and the Recreation Committee.  They would like to be involved with this event but it is graduation weekend and not everyone is available, however, everybody is in favor of letting him use the concession stand with some money going back to the Recreation Committee.  Bill MacDonald will work with him on showing him where things are. Martin Hanson wants to proceed with the event.  The Selectboard agreed to a $100.00 deposit for the use of Patch Park, no alcoholic beverages, hours from 2:00 to 8:00 pm for the music and be out of the park by 9:00 pm.  Parking will be limited to 60 vehicles; there will be parking attendants, no on-street parking, and at least one uniformed police officer on duty.  The Selectboard asked Dave Edkins to write the letter to Martin Hanson and sign it on their behalf.            

Nature Conservancy:  The Nature Conservancy is proceeding with the purchase of land from the power company.  This year their annual meeting will be in Charlestown on Saturday, June 5th at 10:00 am at the Student Conservation Association.  The Selectboard is invited to attend.

Web Site:  Dave Edkins is still looking for about $1,000 additional funding for the Web Site.  Following a discussion the Selectboard authorized him to proceed with setting up the account with the funding he has and the additional money will be covered by unexpended funding in other accounts.

Default Budgets:  There is a new statute on default budgets and the Department of Revenue Administration is putting together a new form for calculating default budgets.     

There being no other business, Jon LeClair moved to adjourn the meeting.  Steve Neill seconded the motion and, with all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden                           Approved,

                                                        Steven A. Neill, Chair

                                                        Brenda L. Ferland

                                                        Jon B. LeClair

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the June 16th, 2004, Selectboard meeting.)